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Bradley Effect on Clinton's Polling

The very thought of a female President is an awe-inspiring notion, to think a woman could lead a nation, especially one as great and boisterous as the United States of America is a concept not many could formulate in their minds, that was until Hilary Clinton of course.

The odds that were previously thought unbeatable, were about to be challenged and by a woman nonetheless. Despite running for presidency previously in 2008 against Barack Obama and failing to gain the vote of Democratic Representative to the latter, Clinton did not give up, firing her sails once again with the 2016 election in sight

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, first lady to the 42nd President of the United States Bill Clinton and a fellow politician serving as New York Senator and 67th United States Secretary of State under the Obama administration was the lady who was going to finally put the Man in woman.

With nothing to guide her but her crew of trusted campaign workers and popularity polls; which served as a compass to navigate the states that would need a little more convincing. Clinton pushed forward shining a light, especially on certain areas, in such a way a that brighter image of the vision she sought to bring to americans, as their president, could be appreciated by all who partook.

Some of the states chosen to trail blaze included swing states such as Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan , which during early voter polling was reported by credible sites such as New York Times and Fox News to have favorable outcome for the democratic candidate.

Based on polls and analytics speculated upon and scrutinized heavily by every media outlet, Liberal and conservative activist, and rivaling leftist, the ending conclusion seemed to be favorable for the former first lady. The polls guaranteed a slow but steady win and an almost undeniable success election night. This was the hopeful force behind Clinton supporters who also clung to the prayer that fellow Americans had enough acceptance to disallow misogyny from permitting them to disqualify the better candidate from selection as their president elect.

Election morning bolstered hopeful spirits, election afternoon brought aspiration for recovery and Election night was the end all to one of the a most suspenseful presidential elections; with the ending result coming as almost as much a shock as the previous Brexit vote taken by Britain earlier this year. Donald J Trump was selected as 45th president elect of the United States with a lead of over 50+ electoral college votes despite Clinton’s win of the popular vote.

There is talk of conspiracy floating around as to possible sabotage of election machines or bribery of electoral candidates but the more likely culprit to the mystery of the poll to voter outcome lies in what some refer to as the Bradley Effect.

Despite being deemed by almost all surveyors as the better candidate and the probable winner of the 21016 election, Clinton campaign was halted and stunted beyond recovery by the very swing states that showed favorable polls during early voting

Daily Beast theorizes this effect as the real cause of the polls not reflecting the true outcome of voter mindset, as with the election of namesake Tom Bradley an L.A. politician running for mayor, who although polled favorably ended up losing as studies later revealed some voters might have been embarrassed to admit to not supporting for fear of being deemed racist, or in Madam Clinton’s case Sexist.

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